JExpr field properties

The following fields are used to configure the JExpr properties of the flexible importer.

Skip expression
Values: true, false
Purpose: Specifies header and footer rows of the CSV file. When true the entry is skipped.
$1 != "CDR"
Column 1 is not equal to "CDR". Any rows that do not contain the text "CDR" in the column 1 cell will be skipped.
Item validity expression
Values: true, false
Purpose: Used to detect malformed rows. When false the entry is not valid
$$ == 4
There must be exactly 4 columns for an item row.
Format: String
Purpose: Specifies the username to apply the CDR against.
The username is the entry in column 2.
Call timestamp
Format: Java date/timestamp (java.util.Date)
Purpose: Specifies the date and time the CDR event began or occurred.
parsers.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $11)
The entries in column 11 are currently formatted in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. parseDate parsers the date to...
Caller number
Format: String
Purpose: Specifies the number from which the CDR event originated.
The caller number is in the sixth column.
Called number
Format: String
Purpose: Specifies the number to which the CDR event was sent.
The called number is in the seventh column.
CDR billable duration in seconds
Format: UTInteger
Purpose: Specifies the duration of the CDR. Must be > 0 to be billable.
The CDR billable duration in seconds is in the fifth column.
Wholesale price
Format: UTDecimal
Purpose: Specifies the charge for the CDR from the vendor.
Convert the entry in column 3 to javaBigDecimal format.
Tariff code
Format: String
Purpose: Specifies the tariff code which Smile should use to rate the call.
$4 + "-" + $12
Concatenates the contents of column 4 with column 12, with an intervening hyphen.
Call type
Values: CallType.getVoice(), CallType.getData(), CallType.getSms(), CallType.getMms(), CallType.getFax(), CallType.getWap(), CallType.getForwardedCall(), CallType.getCount(), CallType.getUnknown(), CallType.getVideoCall(), CallType.getIsdn(), CallType.getImportedCharge()
Purpose: Specifies the call type. Defaults to CallType.getVoice()
The call type is voice.
Format: Boolean
Purpose: Specifies if the CDR entry is chargeable. When false Smile will not rate the call. Defaults to true.
The call is not chargeable.
Description of event
Format: Text
Purpose: Specifies a custom description of the call event. When set, Smile will by default separate the call's charge to its own line item with this description. Mostly useful for imported charges.
The description of the event is in the thirteenth column.
Bytes uploaded by customer
Format: UTLong
Purpose: Specifies the amount of data uploaded in bytes.
The bytes uploaded by customer is in the fourteenth column.
Bytes downloaded by customer
Format: UTLong
Purpose: Specifies the amount of data downloaded in bytes.
The bytes downloaded by customer is in the fifteenth column.
Format: UTInteger
Purpose: Specifies the number of (fax) pages to be billed.
The number of pages to bill is in the sixteenth column.
Format: UTInteger
Purpose: Specifies the number of CDR events to be billed.
The number of CDR events to bill is in the seventeenth column.
Percentile rate
Format: UTDecimal
Purpose: This figure is used to convert the single once-off activity this CDR represents (such as a text message or flat-rate phone call) into a quantity of billing units that are later translated into a retail price to bill the subscriber for.
The percentile rate is in the eighteenth column.
Bytes sent from customer percentile rate
Format: UTDecimal
Purpose: This figure is used to convert the amount of bytes transmitted on the network from this subscriber into a quantity of billing units that are later translated into a retail price to bill the subscriber for.
The bytes sent from customer percentile rate is in the nineteenth column.
Bytes sent to the customer percentile rate
Format: UTDecimal
Purpose: This figure is used to convert the amount of bytes received thru the network by this subscriber into a quantity of billing units that are later translated into a retail price to bill the subscriber for.
The bytes sent from customer percentile rate is in the twentieth column.
IP Address
Format: String
Purpose: Specifies the IP address of the client's device.
The IP address is in the twenty-first column.