
An entry record contains the actual import data of interest. One entry record for each UUR.

An entry record has a Record Type of 'E'.

Table 1. Entry record field definition
Col Field name Data type Description Required?
0 Record Type Text 'E' for a CDR entry Yes
1 Batch ID Text The batch identifier for this UUR. See notes above. Yes
2 UURID Text A unique identifier for the UUR Yes
3 SID Text The service ID of the subscription Yes
4 USN Text The USN of the subscription Yes
5 Start timestamp Timestamp ISO Standard The time at which the call/session started. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ For example, 2014-01-09T15:20:05.924+11:00 Yes
6 CDR Caller Number Text For telephony services, the calling number as received from the call source No
7 CDR Called Number Text For telephony services, the destination number as received from the call source No
8 Bytes received Number The total bytes received from the subscription by the vendor. This number can be very large. No
9 Bytes sent Number The total bytes sent to the subscription by the vendor. This number can be very large. No
10 Duration Number The billable duration of the activity record, in seconds. This is the difference between the start timestamp and the time that the usage finished. Yes. Can be 0.
11 Pages Number For fax services, the number of pages transmitted or received No
12 Count Number If applicable, the event count No
13 Flagfall Boolean (case insensitive) True if this record is the first or only record for this session id. Allowed values:
  • True
  • False
14 Role Number A flag indicating the role of the subscriber in this activity record (caller or called). 0 for caller, 1 for called. Yes
15 IP Address Text The IP address allocated to the subscription for this session, if applicable No
16 Call Type Text The type of activity record (see the Call Types table at the end of this document) Yes
17 Call ID Text If available, the SIP (or other) call ID No
18 Session ID Text The session ID for this activity record. Multiple records with the same Session ID belong to the same session. Yes
19 Subservice ID Text The ID of the subservice this activity record belongs to No
20 Source Text If applicable, a string representing the source of the call or session No
21 Destination Text If applicable, a string representing the destination of the call or session No
22 Originating USN Text If available, the USN of the subscription that originated this call or session No
23 Description Text A textual description of the activity record No
24 Username Text If available, a textual identifier representing the end user No