
ActivityBatchURL getRatings(string transactionNumber)

This method returns a URL from which you can download the rated activity statements for a given invoice. An invoice is a document that contains a list of charges raised against a subscription over a given period of time.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the transaction number of the invoice whose activity statements you want to download.


This method returns a URL from which you can download the rated activity statements. The URL is valid for 24 hours after it is generated by Smile. Activity statements are collated into a CSV file.

If there are no activity statements associated with the invoice, the method returns activity="false".

This method and the URL both use basic access authentication. You must use the same credentials to access the URL as you did to call the method.

There are no messages defined by this method.
Note: For more information about the format of activity statements, see the CDR documentation in the Document Repository.

Example: A returned ActivityBatchURL XML document with activity statements

This example shows a returned ActivityBatchURL document with the URL from which you can download the activity statements.

<ActivityBatchURL xmlns="" activity="true">

Example: A returned ActivityBatchURL XML document without activity

This example shows a returned ActivityBatchURL document with no activity.

<ActivityBatchURL xmlns="" activity="false"/>



This fault is returned when Smile could not produce the activity statement.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] transactionNumber
Purpose: Specifies the transaction number of the invoice whose activity statements you want to download.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.