
An entry record contains the actual import data of interest. One entry record for each invoice line item.

Table 1. Entry record field definition
Col Field name Data type Description Required?
0 USN Text The USN of the subscription or account that an invoice line item will be imported to Yes
1 Item Code Text The item code of what is being purchased Yes
2 Item Text Text The description of the item. If omitted, then the item description of the item will be used. No
3 Charge From Date Date Start date of the item. If omitted, then the local system today's date will be used. Date format must be “yyyy-MM-dd”. For example, 2016-11-01. No
4 Charge To Date Date End date of the item. If omitted, then the start date will be used. Date format must be “yyyy-MM-dd”. For example, 2016-11-01. No
5 Quantity Number Item quantity. If omitted, then '1' will be presumed. No
6 Count Number Number of instances of this item. If omitted, then '1' will be presumed. No
7 Total Amount Exc. Tax Decimal (Unbounded) Total charge amount, excluding tax. If omitted, total amount will be computed as: Quantity x Item rate. No
8 Tax Calculation Mode Text Tax calculation mode. Allowed values:
  • “Compute”—to have Smile calculate tax automatically
  • “Provide”—to use the already-provided value from the Tax Amount field
  • “NA”—no tax is applicable for this item
If omitted, then “Compute” is implied.
9 Tax Amount Decimal (Unbounded) Pre-calculated tax amount. Only required if Tax Calculation Mode is “Provide”. Yes, if Tax Calculation Mode is "Provide"
10 Override Cost Centre Name Text Name of cost centre. The cost centre must already exist on the account or subscription. Names are matched case-sensitively. If omitted, the account or subscription's default cost centre is used. No
11 Override Purchase Order Number Text Purchase order number. If omitted, the account or subscription's default purchase order is used. No
12 Office Name Text Office name of location where item was purchased. If omitted, no office location is recorded for the line item. No
13 Raising Action Text Raising action. Allowed values:
  • “Defer”—to have Smile raise an item as a deferred charge on the account
  • “Leave_open”,—to have Smile raise an item on a new open invoice
  • “Close”—to have Smile raise an item on a new closed invoice
If omitted, then “Defer” is implied.
14 Invoice Identifier Text Invoice line items with the same invoice identifier are raised together in the same invoice. Only required if Raising Action is “Leave_open” or “Close”. Yes, if Raising Action is "Leave_open" or "Close"