Service charges

Services can have charges as well. These can be optionally selected when the subscription is first created, for example, on the initial plan selection.

There two types of service charges:
  • Service recurring charge
  • Service one-off charge

When applied to a subscription, service charges becomes instances of subscription recurring charges.

Service charges differ to plan charges:
  • as they are defined at the service level and are then available for selection for any plans in the given service.
  • as changes to the service charge definition only applies to new subscriptions, where as changes to plan charge definitions can apply to existing and new subscriptions.
  • as they are only available for selection when the subscription is created (on the first plan). Plan option charges are available for selection each time a plan is selected, including subsequent upgrades and downgrades.
  • as subscriptions receive a copy of service charges, which can be difficult to manage in bulk as changes can only be made on individual subscriptions.