Self serve prepaid

Self serve prepaid specifies prepaid blocks that can be added to a plan and who can add them. If no prepaid blocks are specified then users cannot self serve prepaid.

For more information, see Configuring prepaid.

Self serve prepaid can be purchased via the Customer Access Toolkit or via a custom application. You can use the prepaid API to write applications that let customers buy self-serve prepaid.

For more information about the Smile API, see the Developer Guide.

Prepaid tiers

Prepaid tiers can be specified in Smile to provide access to different configurations of prepaid blocks. When a prepaid block has been purchased prepaid tiers specify what blocks may be purchased next. For example, when a tier 1 prepaid block has been purchased, then tier 2 blocks become available for purchase, when a tier 2 has been purchased, then a tier 3 becomes available.

Each tier may contain the same prepaid block or each tier may contain different blocks. A prepaid block does not need to be consumed before another block can be purchased.

If multiple tiers are specified the tier level resets at the end of a period back to tier 1.

Figure: Self Serve Prepaid page

Screenshot of the Self Serve Prepaid page