Company preferences properties

GST Item Type

Company name
Specifies the company name used in Smile.
Specifies the registered Australian Business Number of the Company name.
BPay biller code
Specifies your BPay biller code. This your registered biller code to which BPay payments are directed.
Address for payments
Specifies a postal address for receipt of customer payments that can be used in stationery.
Payment Instructions (if any)
Specifies additional or alternative payment instructions that can be used in stationery.
Add a single GST item to any given invoice (default)
Specifies that a single totalled tax entry is displayed on an invoice.
Add several GST items, one for each subscription on an invoice
Specifies that tax entries for multiple subscriptions are displayed individually on invoices.
Always round down to 5c
Specifies that invoice totals are rounded down to the nearest 5 cent value.
Default rating cycle x on the n day of the month
Specifies the day of the month and the period of a rating cycle. For more information, see Monthly and anniversary cycles.
  • Anniversary
  • Monthly
  • Custom
Default invoicing cycle x on the n day of the month
Specifies the day of the month and the period of an invoicing cycle. For more information, see Monthly and anniversary cycles.
  • Anniversary
  • Monthly
  • Custom
Default billing release n day(s) delay
Specifies the number of days delay for processing of billing after the end of a cycle.
Sales Report Billing x on the n day of the month
Specifies the day of the month and the period of a sales report billing cycle. For more information, see Monthly and anniversary cycles.
  • Anniversary
  • Monthly
  • Custom
Align account & subscription billing periods
Specifies that account and subscription billing periods are aligned. Smile may pro-rate initial subscription charges to bring it into alignment with an account.
Approval Limit Debit
Specifies the automatic approval debit amount above which invoices require approval.
Approval Limit Credit
Specifies the automatic approval credit amount above which invoices require approval.
Address style
Specifies the display format of addresses that are used in stationery.
  • Australia Post
  • French Style
  • Normal
Show street address on account order forms
Specifies that street address fields are displayed on account order forms as well as billing address fields.

Invoice age basis

Use the age of the individual transactions
When selected specifies that debtor days are computed based on the date of individual transactions. An account or invoice is current until it reaches the specified Debtor aging days.
Debtor aging days
Specifies the default number of debtor days.
Use the billing cycle of each individual debtor
When selected specifies that debtor days are based on the billing cycle of the debtor.
When aging invoices, use the invoice's due date instead of the transaction date.
When selected specifies that invoices are aged based on the invoice due date.
BCC outgoing mail to
Specifies an email address to which all outgoing messages are blind copied.
Show reversals when printing statements
When selected specifies that reversals are displayed on invoices.
Time Zone
Specifies the local time zone used by Smile.
Automatically allocate credits during billing run
When selected specifies that any available credits are applied during a billing run.
Rounding line item
Specifies the rounding transaction item displayed on invoices.
  • No rounding
  • Rounding adjustment