Cycles and periods

A recurring charge cycle is the repeat cycle in which charges are raised. For example, a cycle can be each calendar month.

A recurring charge period is a single instance of the recurring charge cycle. For example, a recurring charge period can be February 2015.

A recurring charge cycle may not match an invoicing cycle. For example, a user may be invoiced monthly at the anniversary date of the month on which their subscription was created, but their usage is calculated on the previous calendar month.

Smile provides the following cycle options for recurring charges:
  • Invoicing periods—the period of time between invoice generation.
  • Fixed-Days—a full day from 00:00:00 to 23.59:59
  • Fixed-Months—a fixed full calendar month beginning the 1st of January. For example, a 12 Fixed-Month period will charge on 1st of January, as the cycle starts on 1st January. If the recurring charge starts in July, then the first charge will be for 6 months to bring the charge into line.
  • Rating periods—the length of time for which usage charges are calculated.
  • Calendar months—a calendar month from a specified date. For example, if a plan was applied to an account on the 10th of a month, then the charge cycle for the plan will be from the 10th of the month to the 9th of the following month.
  • Days—a 24 hour day beginning from the time a plan is activated. For example, if a plan is activated at 10:30am, a day finishes at 10:29am the following day.