Add a shared secret

Shared secret entries can be added for multiple NAS and proxy servers.

This task explains how to add a shared secret.

  1. Select Shared Secrets under RADIUS on the Configuration and Tools page.
    The RADIUS shared secrets page is displayed.
  2. Click Add.
    A blank RADIUS shared secrets configuration page is displayed.

    Figure: RADIUS shared secret properties

    Screenshot of the RADIUS shared secrets page
  3. Type a description of the configuration in the Description field.
  4. Type the IP address of the server in the IP Address field.
    This address cannot be edited after the entry has been saved. To fix an incorrect IP address or update an address you need to add a new shared secret entry.
  5. Type the secret in the Secret field.
  6. Click Save.
    The RADIUS shared secrets page is displayed. The entry is added to the shared secret summary list.