
A menu specifies the configuration and appearance of the menu in Smile. A menu entry contains information about:
  • appearance and layout
  • menu items and descriptions
  • menu groups
  • permissions
  • menu icons
A menu entry contains the following tabs:
  • Menu Details—contains the menu title and display properties.
  • Menu Items—specifies sub-menu items that the menu contains.
Attention: Adding a New Menu is advanced configuration. For more information, contact Inomial.
Warning: Applying the Make Custom option to a menu will result in Smile updates no longer being applied to the menu.

Figure: An example of a menu configured with a normal display style and 1 column

Screenshot showing an example of a menu configured with a normal display style and 1 column.

Figure: An example of a menu configured with a compact display style, menu groups and 2 columns

Screenshot showing an example of a menu configured with a compact display style, menu groups and 2 columns.