Spend management API overview

The spend management endpoint of the SOAP API lets you retrieve information about:
  • value pools—the monetary value of a subscription's included usage
  • usage alert groups—the physical amount of a subscription's included usage, for example, included download limits
  • spend limits—the amount that a subscription can spend on a particular usage type per rating period, for example, $100 on premium SMS services

The methods on this endpoint let you retrieve information about subscription usage and spend. You cannot use this endpoint to manage value pools, usage alert groups or spend limits for a service or plan.

You can perform the following tasks on the spend management endpoint:
  • retrieve the state of a subscription's value pools, usage alert groups or spend limits
  • set a temporary or permanent spend limit override
  • change the alert thresholds for a subscription's spend limit

You must enable pre-rating before you use the spend management API. Pre-rating is a process that runs at intervals during an open period and provides an indication of subscription usage in the period to date. Contact Inomial for more information about enabling pre-rating.

The spend management WSDL is located at http://smile.example.com:port/stage/smile/ws/v2/spendmanagement?wsdl