
ManagedPlanQuoteList getManagedPlanChoices(string usn)

This method retrieves a list of possible managed plan changes for the specified subscription.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription.


This method returns a ManagedPlanQuoteList XML document that contains the possible managed plan choices for the specified subscription.

Warning: The quotes generated by this method are not stored. They are not visible in Smile and you cannot refer to them.

There are no messages defined by this method.

Example: A returned ManagedPlanQuoteList XML document

This example shows a ManagedPlanQuoteList XML document.

<ManagedPlanQuoteList xmlns="" xmlns="">
      <formattedAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$1.20">1.20</formattedAmount>
      <formattedGstAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$0.11">0.11</formattedGstAmount>
      <formattedUnallocatedAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$1.20">1.20</formattedUnallocatedAmount>
        <description>Invoice item description</description>
        <description>Rounding adjustment</description>
        <description>Includes 10% GST</description>
      <formattedAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$0.10">0.10</formattedAmount>
      <formattedGstAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$0.01">0.01</formattedGstAmount>
      <formattedUnallocatedAmount currency="AUD" formatted="$0.10">0.10</formattedUnallocatedAmount>     
        <description>Invoice item description</description>
        <description>Rounding adjustment</description>
        <description>Includes 10% GST</description>



This fault is returned when the USN provided does not have a corresponding subscription.


This fault is returned when the subscription is not eligible for plan changes. For example, if the subscription does not belong to a plan change group.


This fault is returned when an internal error or configuration problem prevents the request from being processed.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] usn
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.