
ServiceQualificationResponse qualifyService(int sid, ServiceQualificationArguments serviceQualificationArguments)

This method sends data to an upstream provider for qualification. For example, this method may check the class of ADSL available at an address or check if a specific username is available at a provider.

The format and content of the data to qualify is specific to each provider. Before you use this method, contact Inomial to help you configure the service qualification module.


Format: integer
Purpose: Specifies the service ID.
Format: ServiceQualificationArguments XML
Purpose: Defines a ServiceQualificationArguments XML document that specifies the service data to qualify. This data may vary between providers.

Example: Request a service qualification

This example checks if a number is available at the Melbourne exchange. The fields in this document vary depending on your Smile configuration and upstream provider.

<ServiceQualificationArguments xmlns="http://xml.inomial.com/smile/2.xsd">
      <String name="fnn">+61355501256</String>
      <String name="exchange">MEL</String>


This method returns a ServiceQualificationResponse XML document with the result of the qualification.

There are no messages defined by this method.

Example: A returned ServiceQualificationResponse XML document

This example shows a ServiceQualificationResponse XML document that states the number requested in the previous example is available. The fields in this document vary depending on your Smile configuration and upstream provider.

<ServiceQualificationResponse xmlns="http://xml.inomial.com/smile/2.xsd">
      <Boolean name="available">true</Boolean>



This fault is returned when the service qualification attempt fails.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] com.inomial.smile.client.v2.examples.QualifyService sid filename
Purpose: Specifies the service ID.
Purpose: Defines the filename of the ServiceQualificationArguments XML document.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.