
Smile emits this message when a deferred charge is created or updated.

Message header

The following table lists the parameters in the ChargeDeferred message header.

Table 1. ChargeDeferred header parameters
Parameter Type Values
smileMessageType string "ChargeDeferred"
company integer Company that the account holder that the charge is being raised against belongs to
accountType integer Numeric descriptor for the account type. This can also be obtained through the SOAP API method WSAccount.get()
usn string USN identifying the account that the charge is being raised against
chargeId UUID Identifies the charge itself
currency string 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating what currency the charge has been issued in
amount decimal Amount of the charge

Message body

The root element of the message body is <RealisedCharge> and has the following format:

Example: The <RealisedCharge element

This example shows an RealisedCharge XML document that contains the <RealisedCharge> element.

<RealisedCharge xmlns="">
  <Description>3G Wireless Modem</Description>
      <description>3G Wireless Modem</description>
      <Object objectId="6118" formId="978" displayName="Name: Example Internet  Colour: Turquoise">
        <String name="companyName">Example Internet</String>
        <String name="colour">Turquoise</String>