
Smile emits this message when:
  • features are applied to connections automatically or manually
  • a RADIUS data session on the current online connection via Smile is disconnected

Message header

The following table lists the parameters in the ConnectionFeaturesUpdated message header.

Table 1. SubscriptionFeaturesChanged header parameters
Parameter Type Values
accountUsn string The unique subscriber number for the account the order is raised against
usn string The unique subscriber number for the subscription the order is raised against
sid integer The service ID
nasID integer The ID of the Smile NAS Configuration that the connection is through
smileMessageType string "ConnectionFeaturesUpdated"

Message body

The message body contains the <ActiveConnection> element and has the following format:

Example: The <ActiveConnection> element

This example shows an ActiveConnection XML document that contains the <ActiveConnection> element.

<ActiveConnection xmlns="">
      <Name>Test Feature 600</Name>