Add an invoice group to an account

An invoice group presents multiple charge items as one totalled invoice line item. The configuration of an invoice grouping can:
  • override the roll-up invoice item description
  • specify multiple charge types
  • specify the charge date range to roll-up
  • specify multiple subscriptions to roll-up

A global invoice grouping must first be created before it can be set on an account. For information about how to create a global invoice grouping, see the Configuration Guide.

This task explains how to set an invoice group on an account.

  1. Search for the account for which you want to set an invoice grouping, then double-click the account entry in the search results.
    The Account summary page is displayed.
  2. On the Account Menu Tree, click the Disclosure triangle to the left of Account, then click Invoice Grouping.
    The Invoice Grouping page is displayed.
  3. Click New Grouping...
    The Create invoice group window is displayed.
  4. Select an invoice grouping from the Based upon invoice grouping configuration drop-down.
    This is a global invoice grouping configured by your Smile administrator.
  5. Select a subscription from the Roll up to subscription drop-down.
    This list contains active subscriptions of the account. Additional subscriptions can be added to a group on the Invoice Grouping configuration page once the group has been added.
  6. Click Add...
    The Invoice Grouping configuration window is displayed.
  7. Complete the required fields. The following fields require additional explanation:
    • Default invoice item text—Specifies the invoice item text set in the global invoice grouping configuration.
    • Override invoice item text—Specifies invoice item text that overrides the text set in Default invoice item text.
    • Active from—Specifies the date from which transactions are included in the invoice group.
    • Active to—Specifies the date up to which transactions are included in the invoice group.
    • Subscriptions to roll up—Specifies a list of subscriptions for which invoice items will be rolled up.
    • Add subscription—Multiple account subscriptions can be included in an invoice group, provided that are not already a member of another invoice group on the account. Only subscriptions relevant to the account are displayed. Select a subscription from the drop-down, click Add.
  8. Click Save.
    The Invoice Grouping page is displayed.