Change subscription description

If configured to do so, Smile displays an additional description field at the top of the subscription's summary page. This description field is an unvalidated, free-form text field that lets you provide additional information to identify the subscription.

For example, if the subscription username is an email address, the subscription description may contain the customer's name. The following screenshot demonstrates this example:

Figure: A subscription description

The screenshot shows the subscription description field.

This task explains how to change the subscription description.

  1. Search for the subscription for which you want to change the description, then double-click the subscription entry in the search results.
    The subscription's summary page is displayed.
  2. Click Change.
    The Change Subscription Description window is displayed.
  3. Type the new subscription description in the displayed field and click Save.
    Note: The field name may vary between services.
    Smile changes the subscription description.