Account Menu

The Account menu is located at the top of the page on the Smile Menu Bar. The Account menu provides links to common tasks and is always visible when you view an account.

The following table provides more information about the purpose of each entry in the Account menu.
Table 1. Account menu entries
Name Purpose More information
New Payment... Enters a payment Enter a manual payment
New Invoice... Creates a manual invoice Create a manual invoice
New Adjustment... Raises an adjustment Raise an adjustment
New Reimbursement... Raises a reimbursement Raise a reimbursement
Transfer Between Accounts... Transfers a credit or debit to another account Transfer funds between accounts
Print Unpaid Invoices Creates a PDF version of all unpaid invoices for printing. Print unpaid invoices
Print Statement... Creates a statement of transactions Create a statement
Change Passwords... Changes the password for the account or subscriptions Change passwords
Merge Accounts Merges two accounts Merge accounts
Adjust Balance to Zero... Raises an itemized credit or debit to return the account balance to $0 Zero an account
Delete Account... Deletes the account and its associated subscriptions Delete an account
Print Document... Prints the selected document -
Send Email... Presents account type stationery for emailing Send an email