Reverse a receipt

Reversing a receipt removes a payment from an account. You should reverse a receipt only if you discover a problem with a payment after you enter it into Smile, for example, if a cheque bounces.

Smile does not refund a payment after you reverse a receipt. For example, if you reverse a credit card receipt, Smile does not attempt to refund the payment through the credit card gateway. To process a refund, add a credit note to the customer's account or manually refund the payment value, for example, write a cheque.

This task explains how to reverse a receipt.

  1. Search for the receipt, then double-click the receipt entry in the search results.
    The Receipt summary page is displayed.
  2. Click Reverse.
    The Reversal window is displayed.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Reversal date—Specifies the effective date of the reversal.
    • Sales report category—Specifies the sales report category to which you want to assign the reversal.
    • Comment—(Optional) Specifies the reason you raised the reversal. The comment appears in the Account History but does not appear on customer statements.
  4. Click Reverse.
    Smile reverses the receipt.