Download unrated activity statements

Activity statements, or CDRs, provide an itemised list of subscription usage over a period of time. For example, an unrated activity statement for a telephone subscription contains details of the calls made from the phone, including the call destinations and durations. Because the activity statement is unrated, it does not contain any information about call charges.

Downloading unrated activity statements helps you monitor network use and lets you use the statements in your billing processes. You can download unrated activity statements for an account or subscription at any time after they are created.

The following methods download unrated activity statements for an account or subscription:
  • getActivityStatementRange() downloads unrated activity statements in a given date range. Use this method to display usage data to customers.
  • getActivityStatementBatch() downloads unrated activity statements in batches. Use this method to retrieve activity statements for billing.
Note: To download the rated activity statements associated with an invoice, use getRatings() on the account endpoint.