NAS and proxies tabs

A NAS or proxy server entry has a number of configuration tabs.

NAS and proxy server tabs are accessible from the NAS and Proxies page. On the Network access servers page do one of the following:
  • click Add
  • click View to the right of an existing server entry
Table 1. NAS and proxies tabs
Tab Purpose
General Settings Specifies the network address(es), location, type of server and accounting settings.
NAS type Specifies type, model name and operating system of the server.
RADIUS Specifies RADIUS connection settings.
Service mapping rules Specifies mapping rules for RADIUS ports, services and realms.
Features Specifies the features and their rules applied to a server.
Advanced Specifies advanced messaging, tariff and connection settings.

Clear sessions

Each NAS and proxies tab displays a Clear Sessions button at the bottom of the page. This button applies to the server, not just the tab page currently visible.

Clicking Clear Sessions will remove all current session information from RADIUS for the NAS. It is intended to stop concurrent login errors from occurring if Smile has not detected that the NAS has failed.

Warning: Clearing RADIUS sessions may cause billing data to be lost.


Each NAS and proxies tab displays a Merge button at the bottom of the page. This button applies to the server, not just the tab page currently visible.

Clicking Merge will merge the relevant settings of the current open NAS with the NAS selected from the Merge with drop-down. The current NAS will be deprecated.