Number pools
Number pools are managed groups of numbers that you can reserve for certain uses, for example particular customer groups or subscriptions. The number pools page displays a summary list of number pool names. A number pool defines the number range(s) the pool includes and duration settings for allocation and quarantine of a number.
A number in a pool has four allocation statuses:
- temporary—the number has been selected and cannot be selected elsewhere, but is not allocated until the selection has been saved.
- pre-allocation—the number has been allocated, but is not yet active or in use. The number can not be allocated elsewhere.
- allocated—the number is in use and cannot be allocated elsewhere.
- quarantine—the number is no longer in use, but cannot be re-allocated until it has been released.
Access to a number pool for allocation is accomplished through a custom field. A number pool is linked to a custom field with a field type of Reservation from pool. For more information, see Custom fields.