Number pool properties

Number Ranges

Specifies a system generated identification number of the pool.
Specifies a descriptive name for the number pool.
Specifies the type of number pool.
  • IP4 Addresses
  • Numbers
Duration for temporary allocations
Specifies the length of time a number is temporarily held upon selection. The number is not allocated until the selection is saved.
Quarantine duration for pre-allocations
Specifies the length of time an allocated number is held while not active. If an allocated number is not activated in the specified time it is released for re-allocation.
Quarantine duration for allocations
Specifies the length of time a number is not available for re-allocation after it has been released for use.
Duration entries can be specified in days, hours, minutes and seconds. The field format is DD:HH:MM:SS. For example, 30 minutes is entered as 30:00. 3 days is entered as 3:00:00:00.
Note: Durations entered as days will be converted to hours by Smile when the number pool properties are saved.
Number ranges display a summary list of contiguous ranges allocated to the number pool. A number pool can have multiple ranges specified.
Note: Multiple number ranges cannot overlap.
Specifies a descriptive name for the number range.
Specifies the first number of the range.
Specifies the last number of the range.
Start and end numbers in a range must have the same length format. Multiple number ranges in a pool may have different length formats. For example:
Start End
01 99
090 800
001000 500500

Figure: A New Number Range window

Screenshot of a blank New Number Range window in Smile