Add new task

You can configure multiple tasks in Smile. These can be one-off tasks or tasks that recur on a set schedule.

This task explains how to add a task item.

  1. Select Task scheduling under Logging and Tasks on the Configuration and Tools page.
    The Tasks page is displayed.
  2. Click New task
    A New task page is displayed.
  3. Type a descriptive name for the task in the Name field.
  4. Type the form name in the Task Form field.
    This is the name of the task form created by Inomial. For more information, contact Inomial.
  5. Click Change to the right of Run as.
    The Find User page is displayed.
  6. Type a system login service account name in the Search for field. Click Search.
    Matching user results are displayed in the Matching Users list.
  7. Click Select to the right of the required matching user.
    The username selected must be an account with system service access. An error is displayed if the selected account does not have appropriate access.
    The task configuration page is displayed.
  8. (Optional) Clear the Enabled checkbox to disable the task.
    By default new tasks are enabled. A disabled task will be displayed in the Tasks list, but will not run until enabled.
  9. Do one of the following:
    Option Description
    Save the new task and return to the Tasks page
    1. Click Save.
    Add a task to the Task schedule list that runs immediately
    1. Click Run now.
    2. Click Save.
    Create a recurring task schedule
    1. Click Add.
    2. For more information, see Add task schedule.