Connect to the message bus

Connecting to the message bus lets other applications listen for Smile messages, synchronise Smile data across the network and take action as a result of changes in Smile.

This task explains how to connect a broker to the message bus. The broker must be JMS compatible and have a GlassFish resource adapter.

  1. Configure the broker to integrate with Smile:
    • Create broker accounts for GlassFish and for your listener. These accounts let Smile and your listener log in to the broker.
    • Configure broker transports for GlassFish and for your listener. These transports manage communication between the broker and application.
    • Configure broker security to suit your environment. Note that ActiveMQ is insecure by default.
    • Consider disaster recovery scenarios for the broker, if you have not already done so.
  2. Configure GlassFish to connect to the broker.
    Contact Inomial for information about GlassFish configuration.
  3. Make a change in Smile and verify that your listener receives the appropriate message.
    For example, update a subscription and verify that the listener receives the SubscriptionUpdated message.
    You have now set up the Smile API.