
PurchaseOrder createPurchaseOrder(NewPurchaseOrderRequest newPurchaseOrderRequest) 

This method returns a purchase order document that has been persisted.


Format: NewPurchaseOrderRequest XML
Purpose: Defines a NewPurchaseOrderRequest XML document that specifies the details of the purchase order.

Example: Request a new purchase order

This example shows a NewPurchaseOrderRequest XML document that specifies the details of the purchase order.

Note: The <AccountUSN> and <Number> elements are required fields.
<NewPurchaseOrderRequest xmlns="">
    <String name="purchase_number_note">Note here</String>


This method returns a PurchaseOrder XML document.

There are no messages defined by this method.

Example: A returned PurchaseOrder XML document

This example shows a PurchaseOrder XML document.

<PurchaseOrder xmlns="">
    <String name="purchase_number_note">Note here</String>


This fault is returned when:
  • the given account USN can not be found
  • the given subscription USN can not be found
This fault is returned when:
  • the USN provided is not an account
  • the purchase order number is empty
  • the object type values are invalid
  • any subscriptions to be added to the purchase order do not belong to the account
  • the purchase order number already exists in the account

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] filename
Purpose: Defines the filename of the NewPurchaseOrderRequest XML document.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.