
void updatePrepaid(string usn, PrepaidUpdate prepaidUpdate)

This method updates a purchased prepaid block from a subscription, but does not raise an invoice or charge. Before you use this method, there must be a block associated with the subscription.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription whose prepaid block to update.
Format: PrepaidUpdate XML
Purpose: Defines a PrepaidUpdate XML document that specifies the fields to update.

Example: A PrepaidUpdate XML document

This example shows a PrepaidUpdate XML document.

If no values are specified for the optional elements in PrepaidUpdate no changes will be applied to these fields. The original values will not be updated. A PrepaidUpdate XML document contains the following elements:

The ID of the purchased prepaid to update.
(Optional) The start timestamp of the prepaid block.
(Optional) The end timestamp of the prepaid block.
(Optional) The purchased prepaid quantity.
An empty value indicates that the prepaid block is unlimited. Therefore, an end date must be present.
(Optional) The remaining prepaid quantity.
<PrepaidUpdate xmlns="http://xml.inomial.com/smile/2.xsd">


This method does not return any output.

Smile emits the PrepaidUpdated message when a prepaid block is updated.


This fault is returned when:
  • the USN provided does not exist
  • no prepaid ID given in the PrepaidUpdate XML document
  • the prepaid block to update does not belong to the subscription provided
  • the end date is before the start date due to the update
  • the end date is not provided when updating the purchased quantity with an empty value
  • a remaining quantity is not provided when updating remaining quantity
  • the remaining quantity is larger than the purchased quantity
  • the purchased quantity is smaller than total used quantity

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] com.inomial.smile.client.v2.examples.UpdatePrepaid usn filename
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription whose prepaid block to update.
Purpose: Defines the filename of the PrepaidUpdate XML document.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.