Manage subscriptions
Managing subscriptions lets you change a subscription's data or plan, and suspend and resume the subscription.
The following methods manage subscriptions:
- update() updates subscription information.
- changeUsername() changes the username of a subscription.
- setClearPassword() changes the password for an account or subscription.
- cancel() closes a subscription on a given date.
- suspend() suspends a subscription's access to a service on a given date.
- resume() reinstates a subscription's access to a service on a given date.
- applyFeature() applies a feature to a subscription for a specified length of time.
- applyFeatureToConnections() applies a feature to any active connections of a USN.
- stopApplyingFeature() changes the date on which Smile stops applying a feature.
- setCostCentre() sets a cost centre for a subscription.
- migrateSubscription() migrates a subscription from one account to another nominated account.