Synchronise subscription information
When a subscription changes, Smile sends a SmileSubscription message to the message bus to notify other applications of the change. Many actions can trigger a subscription change, for example, an action in Smile, a SOAP method or a customer exceeding their credit limit.
Listening for subscription messages:
- lets you synchronise subscription changes across your network
- lets other applications take action as a result of the subscription change
For example, you can configure an application to pass a provisioning request to an upstream provider after it receives a provisioning message, or configure a listener to gather subscription information for reports.
Smile emits SmileSubscription messages when:
- CreditLimitExceeded—a subscription's usage causes the account to exceed the subscription credit limit.
- CreditLimitOkay—an account that had exceeded its credit limit is now within the limit.
- SubscriptionActivated—billing is activated for a new subscription.
- SubscriptionClosed—a subscription is closed and billing is disabled.
- SubscriptionEnabled—a new subscription is authorised to access the network.
- SubscriptionFeaturesChanged—a subscription's features have changed.
- SubscriptionPlanChanged—a new plan schedule item on the subscription's accounting plan schedule becomes active.
- SubscriptionProvisionCommand—a command is invoked to provision a new feature for an existing subscription. This message is not emitted by default.
- SubscriptionProvisioned—provisioning is complete for a subscription.
- SubscriptionProvisionResponse—an authoritative source submits an internal message to affect the provisioning status of a subscription.
- SubscriptionReadyToProvision—a new subscription is ready to provision. This message is not emitted by default.
- SubscriptionResumed—a subscription is unsuspended, billing is re-activated and the subscription can re-access a service.
- SubscriptionSpendLimitExceeded—a subscription exceeds its spend limit.
- SubscriptionSpendLimitReceded—a subscription that had exceeded its spend limit is within the limit again.
- SubscriptionSpendLimitStatusUpdated—a subscription crosses a spend limit alert threshold, or a new rating period begins and spend limits for the subscription are reset.
- SubscriptionSuspended—a subscription's access to a service is temporarily suspended.
- SubscriptionUpdated—subscription data is changed.