Pool endpoint

This topic provides a quick reference for the method signatures of pool API methods.

Location: http://smile.example.com:port/stage/smile/ws/v2/pool

WSDL: http://smile.example.com:port/stage/smile/ws/v2/pool?wsdl

Table 1. Pool API methods
Method Method signature Purpose
PoolReservationLink createLinkToReservation(
 string reservationId,
 LinkType linkType,
 BackLink backLink)
Adds a link to an existing reservation.
PoolReservationLink createReservation(
 string poolId,
 string start,
 string end,
 LinkType linkType,
 BackLink backLink)
Reserves a range of resources from the pool specified, and creates an initial link to the range.
PoolReservationLink getLink(
 string linkId)
Retrieves the details of a link by ID.
PoolSearchResults search(
 PoolSearchCriteria criteria)
Performs a search for available resources that can be reserved across a pool.
PoolReservationLink unlink(
 string linkId)

Removes the given link.