Close a subscription

Closing a subscription adds a plan schedule item with the close date to the plan schedule. You can specify a close date now or in the future.

When the close date occurs, Smile permanently de-provisions the subscription and resets the subscription username to the subscription USN. A customer cannot use a subscription after the close date has passed.

If the subscription is under contract, closing the subscription before the contract end date may raise an early termination fee. The early termination fee is displayed on the subscription's Subscription Contract page.

Warning: Closing a subscription is permanent. You cannot re-open a closed subscription.

This task explains how to close a subscription.

  1. Search for the subscription that you want to close, then double-click the subscription entry in the search results.
    The subscription's summary page is displayed.
  2. Click Close Service.
    The Close service window is displayed.
  3. Select the time to close the subscription in the Close user from drop-down and, if necessary, change the default values in the Close date and Close time fields.
  4. (Optional) Type the reason for the closure in the Comments field.
  5. (Optional) Tick the Discard usage after the close date checkbox.
    It may take several days for your upstream provider to close the subscription. If you tick this checkbox, Smile does not charge for any usage that occurs between the Smile close date and the date your upstream provider closes the subscription.
  6. Click Close Service then click Continue.
    Smile closes the subscription.