Allocate a receipt to an invoice

Allocating a receipt to an invoice helps you ensure that unallocated payments are correctly allocated and that account balances are accurate.

If you wish, you can allocate a receipt to an invoice raised against a different account. If you allocate a receipt from account A to an invoice from account B, the transaction appears on each account's Account History as follows:
  • account A—credit transferred debit
  • account B—credit transferred credit

This task explains how to allocate a receipt to an invoice.

  1. Search for the receipt, then click double-click the receipt entry in the search results.
    The Receipt page is displayed.
  2. On the Account Menu Tree, click the Disclosure triangle to the left of the Receipt entry, then click Allocations.
    The Allocations page is displayed.
  3. Click Allocate...
    The Allocate Receipt window is displayed.
  4. Click Change next to the Allocate to user field.
    The Find User window is displayed.
  5. Type the name of the account in the Search for field, click Search then click Select next to the account you want to allocate the receipt to.
    The Allocate Receipt window displays any unpaid invoices for the account.
  6. Click Allocate next to the appropriate invoice.
    The Allocate to Invoice window is displayed.
  7. Type the amount to allocate in the Amount to allocate field and click Allocate.
    Smile allocates the receipt to the invoice.