Reset ticket timer

The ticket timer tracks the time that has passed since a ticket was raised, and affects the age of tickets in work queues. The ticket timer stops when the ticket is closed.

Resetting the ticket timer changes the ticket alarm date to today. For example, if a customer re-opens a ticket that was closed several months ago, Smile calculates the ticket age from the original date that the ticket was raised. Resetting the ticket timer ensures that you can accurately track the length of time it takes to resolve the ticket.

This task explains how to reset the ticket timer.

  1. View the helpdesk inbox.
    The Help Desk page appears and displays any tickets assigned to you and your assignment group.
  2. Click View next to the ticket that you want to hold.
    The Ticket page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit.
    The Ticket properties window appears.
  4. Tick the Reset the ticket timer checkbox, then click Save.
    Smile closes the Ticket properties window and resets the ticket timer.