Change a commission rate

From time to time you may want to change the commission rates of your commission earners. To achieve this you create a new commission structure and agent and set an end date for the commission rate being changed.

Do not change the commission rate in an existing commission structure as Smile will automatically re-calculate the commission for all current and previous commission earnings.

This task explains how to apply a new commission rate.

  1. Create a new commission structure.
    The new structure defines the new commission rate.
  2. Create a new agent.
    The new agent associates commission earners with the new commission structure.
  3. Click View next to the agent entry that is being ended.
    The Agent page is displayed.
  4. Enter a date in the Valid to field, and click Save.
    At the specified date this agent will no longer be selectable. It does not end the agent itself.
    The date is saved and the Commission Configuration page is displayed.
  5. View commission earner subscriptions.
  6. Click Edit next to an account or subscription with the old agent and commission rate.
    A subscription commission window is displayed.
  7. Enter an end date in the Don't pay commissions on invoices after field. Click Save.
    The Subscriptions page is displayed and the date is displayed in the Ends column.
  8. Repeat steps 6-7 for each account and subscription that you want to end commission on.
  9. Take note of the account and subscription numbers you just set end dates for.
  10. Search for the account or subscription to assign the new agent to, then double-click the account or subscription entry in the search results.
    The Account summary page is displayed for an account result or the subscription summary page is displayed for a subscription result.
  11. Do one of the following:
    Option Description
    To assign an agent to an account
    1. On the Account Menu Tree, click the Disclosure triangle to the left of Account, then click Commissions.
    2. Click Add.
    To assign an agent to a subscription
    1. Click Add next to the Agents field.
    The Add Agent window is displayed.
  12. Select the new agent in the Agent drop-down, and specify a date in the Don't pay commission before field, and click Add.
    Smile assigns the agent to the account or subscription.
  13. Repeat step 10-12 to assign the new agent to each account or subscription.