Transactions group

The transactions group of tables provide access to database tables relating to transactions.

Informational tables are identified with the information symbol:

Table name Description
account General account information.
account_purchase_order Purchase order codes belonging to a Smile account.
company Companies in a multi-tenanted Smile setup.
contract Available contracts that accounts can enter into when ordering or renewing a subscription.
currency Configuration of currencies.
discount List of possible discounts that may be applied to accounts and subscriptions.
line_item Configuration of line items that can be added to invoices.
operator Information about someone who has access to Smile.
payment List of all payments, including payments which did not clear.
payment_plan List of all payment plans.
payment_plan_frequency_type List of possible payment plan frequencies.
payment_plan_status List of possible payment plan statuses.
payment_status List of all possible payment statuses.
payment_type A type of payment that can be selected when entering payment details.
payment_type_processing_mode The mode of processing supported by a payment.
quantity_type A kind of quantity that Smile can bill or rate.
quantity_type_units Defines units in a kind of quantity.
rating_period Header records for rating periods, which represent periods which usage is bound to and rated against.
recurring_charge A manual recurring charge against a subscription.
reporting_account List of reporting accounts, otherwise known as sales report categories, used for grouping transactions and line items for financial reporting.
service Contains the basic configuration for the different kinds of services. Subscriptions can be considered instances of services.
subscription Header record for subscriptions.
tax_schedule A header record for a schedule of tax schedule items.
tax_schedule_item Defines the tax rules for a particular schedule at a particular time.
tx Represents a financial transaction on an account.
tx_allocation Indicates that a portion of a credit transaction has been allocated to balance a portion of a debit transaction.
tx_detail A header record for itemised transactions such as invoices.
tx_disposition List of possible dispositions or treatment levels of a transaction.
tx_item A line item existing on an itemised transaction, for example, an invoice line item or a deferred charge.
tx_type Enumerates the types of financial transactions.