
A header record for itemised transactions such as invoices.
Note: Itemised transactions that are still in the draft state also appear in here, with children line items in the tx_item view, but these draft transactions will not appear in the tx view.
Column name Description Data type
tx_detail Primary key. integer
company Reference to company. smallint
number A public unique number identifying this transaction. text
account Reference to account. integer
ledger_time   timestamp without time zone *
creation_time   timestamp without time zone *
closed_date   timestamp without time zone *
due_date   timestamp without time zone *
amount   numeric
tax_amount   numeric
reporting_account Reference to reporting_account. integer *
comments   text *
version Indicates what set of rules this transaction follows with respect to calculations within the transaction, for example GST. integer
discount   numeric
late_fee_tx_item Reference to tx_item. integer *