
This topic contains a quick reference to substitution codes for journal.

Table 1. Journal substitution codes
Field Substitution code
Account balance accountBalance
Account custom field accountCustomField
Account is not in default disposition accountNotInDefaultDisposition
Account name accountName
Account number ucn
Alternate Account Number alternateAccountNumber
Amount paymentTotal
Billing address longAddress
Billing address (1st line only) billAddress
Card/Account number cardNumber
Comment comment
Company ABN abn
Company BPay Biller Code bpayCode
Company Name companyName
Company Payment Address paymentAddress
Currency Code currencyCode
Currency Name currencyName
Currency Symbol currencySymbol
Customer first name customerFirstName
Customer last name customerLastName
Date only todaysDateOnly
Disposition text dispositionText
Has pending payment? hasPendingPayment
Issue date issueDate
Message number messageNumber
Name and Billing address nameAndBillAddress
Note date entryDate
Note has been fully allocated isFullyAllocated
Note number noteNumber
Payment Instructions paymentInstructions
Payment type paymentType
Payment unallocated balance unallocatedBalance
Sequence number sequenceNumber
Time only todaysTimeOnly
Today's date todaysDate
Total bonds at invoice date totalBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total bonds at time of printing totalBonds
Total paid bonds at invoice date totalPaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total paid bonds at time of printing totalPaidBonds
Total unpaid bonds at invoice date totalUnpaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total unpaid bonds at time of printing totalUnpaidBonds