Recipient created tax invoice

This topic contains a quick reference to substitution codes for recipient created tax invoice.

Table 1. Recipient created tax invoice substitution codes
Field Substitution code
Account Balance at Invoice Creation Date accountBalanceEnteredDate
Account Name accountName
Account Term acTerms
Account amount payable accountAmountPayable
Account balance accountBalance
Account balance at last invoice balanceAtLastInvoice
Account balance including pending payments accountBalanceIncludingPending
Account contact name accountContactName
Account custom field accountCustomField
Account is not in default disposition accountNotInDefaultDisposition
Account number ucn
Account type accountType
Activity since last invoice activitySinceLastInvoice
Activity since previous balance totalBeforeInvoice
Activity since the last invoice up til now activitySinceLastInvoiceUntilNow
Adjustments since last invoice adjustmentsSinceLastInvoice
Aged (1st period) at Invoice Creation Date agedBalanceEnteredDateOne
Aged (2nd period) at Invoice Creation Date agedBalanceEnteredDateTwo
Aged (3rd+ period) at Invoice Creation Date agedBalanceEnteredDateThree
Aged (Current) at Invoice Creation Date agedBalanceEnteredDateCurrent
Aged Balance (1st period) agedBalanceOne
Aged Balance (2nd period) agedBalanceTwo
Aged Balance (3rd period) agedBalanceThree
Aged Balance (3rd+ period) agedBalanceThreePlus
Aged Balance (4th+ period) agedBalanceFourPlus
Aged Balance (Current) agedBalanceCurrent
Allocated/Paid allocated
Alternate Account Number alternateAccountNumber
Australia post address australiaPostAddress
Balance before invoice balanceBeforeInvoice
Billing Address longAddress
Billing Address Country billCountry
Billing Address Postcode billPostcode
Billing Address State billState
Billing Address Suburb billSuburb
Billing address (1st line only) billAddress
Company ABN abn
Company BPay Biller Code bpayCode
Company Name companyName
Company Payment Address companyPaymentAddress
Contact name (Mr Example Man) contactName
Credits since last invoice creditsSinceLastInvoice
Credits since previous balance creditsSincePrevious
Currency Code currencyCode
Currency Name currencyName
Currency Symbol currencySymbol
Customer ABN endCustomerAbn
Customer First Name contactGiven
Customer Last Name contactFamily
Customer email address customerEmailAddress
Customer home phone number customerHomePhone
Customer mobile phone number customerMobilePhone
Customer work phone number customerWorkPhone
Date only todaysDateOnly
Debits since last invoice debitsSinceLastInvoice
Debits since previous balance debitsSincePrevious
Display Statement displayedStatement
Disposition text dispositionText
Due date dueDate
Formatted Total Payable formattedTotalPayable
GST value gst
Has auto debit? hasAutoDebit
Has pending payment? hasPendingPayment
Invoice Date invoiceDate
Invoice Number invoiceNumber
Invoice amount payable invoiceAmountPayable
Invoice end date invoicingEnd
Invoice is overdue invoiceOverdue
Invoice is paid invoicePaid
Invoice start date invoicingStart
Invoice total balance totalBalance
Invoice total balance excluding GST totalBalanceExGst
Invoice total inc payment surcharge invoiceAmountPlusInvoiceSurcharge
Invoice unpaid balance unpaidBalance
Issue date issueDate
Message number messageNumber
Name and Billing address (1st line only) nameAndBillAddress
New charges newCharges
Operators Account Name operatorName
Operators Email Address operatorEmail
Operators First Name operatorFirstName
Operators Last Name operatorLastName
Page Count pageCount
Page Number pageNumber
Payment Instructions paymentInstructions
Payment processing surcharge surchargeOnInvoiceAmount
Payment type's stationery text paymentTypeText
Payments since last invoice paymentsSinceLastInvoice
Pending payment date pendingPaymentDate
Pending payment number paymentNumber
Pending payment value pendingPaymentValue
Previous balance previousBalance
Scheduled payments value scheduledPayments
Sequence number sequenceNumber
Time only todaysTimeOnly
Today's date todaysDate
Total bonds at invoice date totalBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total bonds at time of printing totalBonds
Total paid bonds at invoice date totalPaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total paid bonds at time of printing totalPaidBonds
Total payable totalPayable
Total pending payment value totalPendingPaymentsValue
Total unpaid bonds at invoice date totalUnpaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total unpaid bonds at time of printing totalUnpaidBonds