
This topic contains a quick reference to substitution codes for reimbursement.

Table 1. Reimbursement substitution codes
Field Substitution code
Account Name accountName
Account Number ucn
Allocated Amount allocatedAmount
Alternate Account Number alternateAccountNumber
Amount amount
Billing Address longAddress
Billing Address (1st line only) billAddress
Comment comment
Company Name companyName
Currency Code currencyCode
Currency Name currencyName
Currency Symbol currencySymbol
Customer First Name contactGiven
Customer Last Name contactFamily
Issue date issueDate
Name and Billing address nameAndBillAddress
Total bonds at invoice date totalBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total bonds at time of printing totalBonds
Total paid bonds at invoice date totalPaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total paid bonds at time of printing totalPaidBonds
Total unpaid bonds at invoice date totalUnpaidBondsAtInvoiceDate
Total unpaid bonds at time of printing totalUnpaidBonds
Unallocated Amount unallocated