Payment example

This topic contains an example message template including payment substitution codes and the resulting message output.

Message template

Subject: Payment complete ({paymentNumber})

Dear {accountContactName},

Thank you for your payment for account {ucn}.

Payment details:
Date: {todaysDateOnly}
Payment Amount: ${amount}
Paid by: {paymentType}
Card Details: {hint}

Current account balance: {accountBalance}

With thanks,

{companyName}, ABN {abn}
{companyPaymentAddress} - Phone: 1300 123 456

Message output

Subject: Payment complete (001155)

Dear John,

Thank you for your payment for account 2142420658 .

Payment details:
Date: 5/10/2014
Payment Amount: $49.95
Paid by: Visa
Card Details: xxxx xxxx xxxx 1234

Current account balance: $0.00

With thanks,

Example Internet Pty Ltd, ABN 00 000 000 000
27 Example Boulevard, Melbourne, VIC 3000 - Phone: 1300 123 456