Prepaid expiry warning example

This topic contains an example message template including prepaid expiry warning substitution codes and the resulting message output.

Message template

Dear {subContactGivenName},

Your "{prepaidDescription}" prepaid usage for mobile number {subUsername} will expire on {prepaidExpiryDate} at {prepaidExpiryTime}, in {prepaidDaysToExpiry} days {prepaidHoursOfDayToExpiry} hours time.

You have {prepaidFormattedUnitsRemaining} of usage remaining.

To top up your account, please call 123 or visit

Yours sincerely,

Example Telecom

Message output

Dear John,
Your "Talkaholic special pack" prepaid usage for mobile number 0412345678 will expire on 4/7/2015 at 16:50:00, in 3 days and 0 hours time.
You have 4:35:00 of usage remaining.
To top up your account, please call 123 or visit

Yours sincerely,

Example Telecom