Specifies a field name for the form entry. Displays the custom field attribute type name by
Specifies the custom field name. For more information, see Custom fields.
Specifies the visibility of the form field.
Visible and editable
Visible but not editable
Hidden (used by automated process)
This field is required
When selected specifies that the field is mandatory and must be completed during the order
Validation regular expression
Specifies formatting for particular information types. For example the format of a MAC or
IP address.
Form attribute properties
Specifies additional custom field form properties.
Specifies the Smile service field mapping for the order form field. An order form field
can be mapped to multiple database fields.
Not all service fields are displayed in the Mappings list. Map an
order form field to Custom fields and the order form data is copied
into a custom field in the service.