Add a prepaid warning threshold

A prepaid warning threshold specifies the time period before a prepaid block expiry has been reached at which a warning is triggered. A warning can be sent by both email and SMS.

The prepaid warning threshold table, displayed on a prepaid block's properties page, lists alerts configured on a prepaid block. Multiple warning thresholds can be configured on a prepaid block.

Note: If at the time that a warning is configured to be sent there is no remaining data for the prepaid block, no warning will be sent.

This task explains how to set a new prepaid warning threshold.

  1. Select Prepaid Time and Data under Prepaid on the Configuration and Tools page.
    The Prepaid blocks tab is displayed.
  2. Click Edit to the right of a prepaid block entry.
    The prepaid block properties page is displayed. The Prepaid Warning Thresholds table is located near the bottom of the page.
  3. Click New warning.
    A Prepaid warning threshold property page is displayed.
  4. Type a name for the threshold in the Name field.
  5. Type a value in the Duration field.
    This is the time period at which the warning will be triggered.
  6. Select a type from the Duration type drop-down.
    This specifies the time quantity of the period entered in the previous step. Select from Calendar days, Hours, Minutes or Calendar months.
  7. Set notification method options. Multiple methods can be configured.
    For more information, see Notification method configuration.
  8. (Optional) Select a date from the Valid from calendar.
    Prepaid warnings before this date will not be sent.
  9. (Optional) Select a date from the Valid to calendar.
    Prepaid warnings after this date will not be sent.
  10. Click Save.
    The prepaid block properties page is displayed.

Figure: Prepaid block warning threshold properties

Screenshot of the Prepaid block warning threshold properties page