Spend management endpoint

This topic provides a quick reference for the method signatures of spend management API methods.

Location: http://smile.example.com:port/stage/smile/ws/v2/spendmanagement

WSDL: http://smile.example.com:port/stage/smile/ws/v2/spendmanagement?wsdl

Table 1. Spend management API methods
Method Method signature Purpose
SubscriptionSpendLimit getSubscriptionSpendLimitState(
 string usn, 
 string spendLimitId)
Returns the current state of a specified spend limit for a subscription.
SubscriptionSpendLimitState getSubscriptionSpendLimitStates(
 string usn)
Returns the current state of all spend limits for a subscription.
SubscriptionUsageAlertGroup getSubscriptionUsageAlertGroup(
 string usn,
 string usageAlertGroupId)
Returns the current state of a specified usage alert group for a subscription.
SubscriptionUsageAlertGroups getSubscriptionUsageAlertGroups(
 string usn)
Returns the current state of all usage alert groups for a subscription.
SubscriptionValuePool getSubscriptionValuePoolState(
 string usn, 
 string valuePoolId)
Returns the current state of a specified value pool for a subscription.
SubscriptionValuePoolState getSubscriptionValuePoolStates(
 string usn)
Returns the current state of all value pools for a subscription.
void setSpendLimit AlertThresholdOverrides(
 string usn,
 SubscriptionSpendLimitAlertThresholdOverrideRequest subscriptionSpendLimitAlertThresholdOverrideRequest)
Changes the alert thresholds for a subscription spend limit.
void setSpendLimitOverride(
 string usn,
 SubscriptionSpendLimitOverrideRequest subscriptionSpendLimitOverrideRequest)
Permanently changes the value of a subscription spend limit.
void setTemporarySpend LimitOverride(
 string usn,
 TemporarySubscriptionSpendLimitOverrideRequest temporarySubscriptionSpendLimitOverrideRequest)
Temporarily changes the value of a subscription spend limit.