
SubscriptionIpRange addIpRangeReservation(string usn, string reservationId)

This method is used to add an IP range which was reserved through the Number Pools system to a given subscription. No IP range information is necessary as the information will be retrieved from the Number Pools system.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription to which to add the reservation.
Format: string
Purpose: Specifies a reservation ID from the reservation system. The reservation will be used to add an allocation link for the IP range to the subscription.

Example: Request an IP range reservation

This example shows a request for an IP range reservation for subscription 1000120231.

usn: 1000120231
reservationId: 4CDD92B5-4F6B-4F17-B8AD-FA0706FB91E7


This method returns a SubscriptionIpRange XML document containing information about the IP range reservation. After the method returns successfully, the subscription will have created a link to the reserved IP range and will have updated its set of IP ranges using the reserved IP range's details.

Smile emits the SubscriptionIpRangesUpdated message when the task is complete.

Example: A returned SubscriptionIpRange XML document

This example shows a SubscriptionIpRange XML document containing details of the IP range reservation for the given reservation ID.




This fault is returned when the subscription or reservation is not found.


This fault is returned when the request is invalid.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] usn reservationId
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription to which to add the reservation.
Purpose: Specifies a reservation ID from the reservation system.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.