
ConnectionList getConnectionHistory(string usn,
 ConnectionHistoryQuery connectionHistoryQuery, int limit, int offset)

This method returns a connection list that contains the history of a subscription, for a given date range. The result returned can be limited with limit and offset.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription or account.
Format: ConnectionHistoryQuery XML
Purpose: Defines a ConnectionHistoryQuery XML document that specifies the date range for the connection history.
Format: integer
Purpose: Specifies the number of returned results. Default is 200.
Format: integer
Purpose: (Optional) Specifies the starting point of results returned. Default is 0.

Example: A ConnectionHistoryQuery XML document

This example shows a ConnectionHistoryQuery XML document displaying the start and end dates of the connection query.

<ConnectionHistoryQuery xmlns="">


This method returns a ConnectionList XML document that contains information about the connection history of a subscription for a given date range.

If additional results exist for the subscription within the date range, the method returns moreResultExist="true".

There are no messages defined by this method.

Example: A returned ConnectionList XML document with two connection historys and has no more existing results

This example shows a returned ConnectionList XML document with two connection historys.

<ConnectionList xmlns="" xmlns="" moreResultExist="false">

Example: A returned ConnectionList XML document with connection history, and has no more existing results

This example shows a returned ConnectionList XML document with limit and offset set.

<ConnectionList xmlns=""
 xmlns="" moreResultExist="true">

Example: A returned ConnectionList XML document without connection history

This example shows a returned ConnectionList document with no history.

<ConnectionList xmlns=""
 xmlns="" moreResultExist="false"/>



This fault is returned when the specified USN does not match an account or subscription.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] usn
 connectionHistoryQuery limit [offset]
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription or the account.
Purpose: Defines the filename of the ConnectionHistoryQuery XML document.
Purpose: Specifies the number of returned results.
Purpose: (Optional) Specifies the starting point of results returned.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.