
PlanChargeDescriptionType getPlanChargeDescription(string usn, integer planScheduleItem)

This method returns a document describing the charge configuration for the subscription, according to the given plan schedule item.


Format: string
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription or account.
Format: integer
Purpose: Specifies a plan schedule item to also consult.


This method returns a ConnectionListType XML document that contains information about the charge configuration for the subscription, according to the given plan schedule item.

The ConnectionListType XML document has a number of parts:

  • planScheduleItem—details of the plan schedule item
  • planConfiguration - charging details of the plan. It includes both recurring charges, and usage charging rules.
  • planScheduleItemOverrides—the overrides to the plan configuration from the plan schedule item. Any non-empty fields are considered to be overrides for the values in the plan configuration.

There are no messages defined by this method.

Example: A returned ConnectionListType XML document

This example shows a ConnectionListType XML document with two connection historys and has no more existing results.

<PlanChargeDescription xmlns="">
        <Integer name="option1">49</Integer>
        <Integer name="option2">1</Integer>
      <RecurringCharge id="223">
        <Frequency type="Rating Periods">1</Frequency>
        <WhenToCharge>In Advance</WhenToCharge>
          <Name>Invoice item description</Name>
          <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$100.00">100</Rate>
          <DisplayRate>$100.00 excludes GST</DisplayRate>
      <RecurringCharge id="224">
        <Frequency type="Rating Periods">1</Frequency>
        <WhenToCharge>In Advance</WhenToCharge>
          <Name>Invoice item description</Name>
          <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$90.00">90</Rate>
      <PlanOption option="option1">
        <Name>Option 1</Name>
          <RecurringCharge id="225">
            <Frequency type="Rating Periods">1</Frequency>
            <WhenToCharge>In Advance</WhenToCharge>
              <Name>Invoice item description</Name>
              <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$25.60">25.6</Rate>
      <PlanOption option="option2">
        <Name>Option 2</Name>
        <Group key="223">testOptionGroup1</Group>
      <ChargingRule id="1040">
        <ChargeType key="0">Online time</ChargeType>
          <Name>This goes on the invoice</Name>
          <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$9.50">9.5</Rate>
          <DisplayRate>$9.5 per unit</DisplayRate>
            <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$9.50">9.5</Rate>
            <PerUnit unitQuantity="1">second</PerUnit>
          <PlanOption key="223">Option 1</PlanOption>
          <Feature key="224">Test Feature 224</Feature>
        <IncludedValuePoolRef key="813">Cap</IncludedValuePoolRef>
      <ChargingRule id="1041">
        <ChargeType key="1">Downloaded Data</ChargeType>
          <Name>Downloaded Data</Name>
          <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$0.00">0</Rate>
          <DaysOfWeek all="true"/>
      <IncludedValuePool id="813">
        <ValueIncTax currency="AUD" formatted="$0.00">0.00</ValueIncTax>
      <RecurringCharge id="223">
        <Rate currency="AUD" formatted="$34.00">34</Rate>
        <Comment>This is override invoice comment</Comment>
        <Description>overrides description</Description>
        <Frequency type="Rating Periods">1</Frequency>
        <WhenToCharge>In Advance</WhenToCharge>



This fault is returned when the specified USN does not match an account or subscription, or the specified plan schedule item does not exist


This fault is returned when the specified plan schedule item does not match the specified account or subscription.

Java client syntax

java -cp build/smilewsv2-client.jar [options] usn 
Purpose: Specifies the USN of the subscription associated with the plans.
Purpose: Specifies a plan schedule item to also consult.
Note: For more information about the Java client and the options it accepts, see Java client syntax.