
Smile emits this message after billing is activated for a new subscription. Activation may raise a setup fee against the subscription and start the subscription's plan and recurring charges.

A subscription must be provisioned, enabled and activated before it is fully available. These three events can happen in any order. For example, you may wish to provision and enable a subscription immediately, but delay activation until a piece of hardware such as a modem or mobile handset reaches the customer.

Message header

The following table lists the parameters in the SubscriptionActivated message header.

Table 1. SubscriptionActivated header parameters
Parameter Type Values
sid integer The service ID
usn string The unique subscription ID number for the subscription
smileMessageType string "SubscriptionActivated"

Message body

The message body contains the <SubscriptionFeaturesUpdate> element and has the following format:

Example: The <SubscriptionFeaturesUpdate> element

This example shows a SubscriptionFeaturesUpdate XML document that contains the <SubscriptionFeaturesUpdate> element. Note that the subscription is provisioned, enabled and activated.

<SubscriptionFeaturesUpdate xmlns="">
    <ServiceName>Test service 170</ServiceName>
        <String name="username"></String>
        <Boolean name="billPrintName">false</Boolean>
        <Boolean name="streetPrintName">true</Boolean>