
An authoritative source emits this internal message to affect the provisioning status of a subscription. The authoritative source is a Smile application, but it is not part of Smile itself.

If Smile emits the SubscriptionReadyToProvision message, it must receive at least one SubscriptionProvisionResponse message before it can provision the subscription.

Message header

The following table lists the parameters in the SubscriptionProvisionResponse message header.

Table 1. SubscriptionProvisionResponse header parameters
Parameter Type Values
provisionRequestId integer The provision request ID number
smileMessageType string "SubscriptionProvisionResponse"

Message body

The message body contains the <SubscriptionProvisionResponse> element and has the following format:

Example: The <SubscriptionProvisionResponse> element

This example shows a SubscriptionProvisionResponse XML document that contains the <SubscriptionProvisionResponse> element.

<SubscriptionProvisionResponse xmlns="">