
Smile emits this message after a subscription is closed and billing is disabled. Business intelligence and audit listeners may use this information for reporting purposes. Listeners in other systems may need to disable or invalidate a user after receiving this message.

Message header

The following table lists the parameters in the SubscriptionClosed message header.

Table 1. SubscriptionClosed header parameters
Parameter Type Values
sid integer The service ID
usn string The unique subscription ID number for the subscription
smileMessageType string "SubscriptionClosed"

Message body

The message body contains the <SubscriptionUpdated> element and has the following format:

Example: The <SubscriptionUpdated> element

This example shows a SubscriptionUpdated XML document that contains the <SubscriptionUpdated> element for a closed subscription. Note that the subscription is deprovisioned and no longer activated.

<SubscriptionUpdated xmlns="">
    <ServiceName>Smile Access</ServiceName>
        <String name="emailAddress"></String>
        <String name="username"></String>